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abra100pro 0.png 25.01.2012 11:36

Es erscheint login statt homepage

login statt homepage Hallo, nach dem update erscheint jetzt immer die die login.seite statt meiner homepage. Wie kann ich das denn ändern? Meine index.php sieht so aus: <?php define("LOCALE", 'de_DE'); require('concrete/dispatcher.php'); und da ja auf die dispatcher.php vewiesen wird: <?php ## This constant ensures that we're operating inside dispatcher.php. There is a LATER check to ensure that dispatcher.php is being called correctly. ## if (!defined("C5_EXECUTE")) { define('C5_EXECUTE', true); } ## Startup check ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/base_pre.php'); ## Startup check ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/config_check.php'); ## Check to see if, based on a config variable, we need to point to an alternate core ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/updated_core_check.php'); ## Load the base config file ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/base.php'); ## First we ensure that dispatcher is not being called directly require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/file_access_check.php'); ## Load the database ## Loader::database(); ## Startup cache ## Loader::library('cache'); Cache::startup(); ## Load required libraries ## Loader::library('object'); Loader::library('log'); Loader::library('localization'); Loader::library('request'); Loader::library('events'); Loader::library('model'); Loader::library('item_list'); Loader::library('view'); Loader::library('controller'); Loader::library('file/types'); Loader::library('block_view'); Loader::library('block_view_template'); Loader::library('block_controller'); Loader::library('attribute/view'); Loader::library('attribute/controller'); ## Autoload settings if (C5_ENVIRONMENT_ONLY == false) { require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/autoload.php'); } ## Load required models ## Loader::model('area'); Loader::model('attribute/key'); Loader::model('attribute/value'); Loader::model('attribute/category'); Loader::model('attribute/set'); Loader::model('attribute/type'); Loader::model('block'); Loader::model('custom_style'); Loader::model('file'); Loader::model('file_version'); Loader::model('block_types'); Loader::model('collection'); Loader::model('collection_version'); Loader::model('config'); Loader::model('groups'); Loader::model('layout'); Loader::model('package'); Loader::model('page'); Loader::model('page_theme'); Loader::model('permissions'); Loader::model('user'); Loader::model('userinfo'); Loader::model('task_permission'); ## Setup timzone support require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/timezone.php'); // must be included before any date related functions are called (php 5.3 +) ## Startup check, install ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/magic_quotes_gpc_check.php'); ## Default routes for various content items ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/theme_paths.php'); ## Load session handlers require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/session.php'); ## Startup check ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/encoding_check.php'); ## File types ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/file_types.php'); ## Startup check, install ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/config_check_complete.php'); ## User level config ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/app.php'); ## Check host for redirection ## require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/url_check.php'); ## Set debug-related and logging activities require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/debug_logging.php'); ## Site-level config POST user/app config ## if (file_exists(DIR_BASE . '/config/site_post.php')) { require(DIR_BASE . '/config/site_post.php'); } ## Site-level config POST user/app config - managed by c5, do NOT add your own stuff here ## if (file_exists(DIR_BASE . '/config/site_post_restricted.php')) { require(DIR_BASE . '/config/site_post_restricted.php'); } require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/tools_upgrade_check.php'); ## Specific site routes for various content items (if they exist) ## @include(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_theme_paths.php'); ## Specific site routes for various content items (if they exist) ## @include(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_file_types.php'); ## Package events require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/packages.php'); // Now we check to see if we're including CSS, Javascript, etc... // Include Tools. Format: index.php?task=include_frontend&fType=TOOL&filename=test.php require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/tools.php'); ## This must come before packages ## if (defined('ENABLE_APPLICATION_EVENTS') && ENABLE_APPLICATION_EVENTS == true) { @include(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_events.php'); } ## Check online, user-related startup routines require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/user.php'); if (C5_ENVIRONMENT_ONLY == false) { // figure out where we need to go $req = Request::get(); if ($req->getRequestCollectionPath() != '') { if (ENABLE_LEGACY_CONTROLLER_URLS) { $c = Page::getByPath($req->getRequestCollectionPath(), false); } else { $c = $req->getRequestedPage(); } } else { $c = Page::getByID($req->getRequestCollectionID(), false); } if ($c->isError()) { // if we've gotten an error getting information about this particular collection // than we load up the Content class, and get prepared to fire away switch($c->getError()) { case COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND: $v = View::getInstance(); $v->render('/page_not_found'); break; } } ## Check maintenance mode require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/maintenance_mode_check.php'); ## Check to see whether this is an external alias or a header 301 redirect. If so we go there. include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/external_link.php'); ## Get a permissions object for this particular collection. $cp = new Permissions($c); ## Now that we have a collections and permissions object, we check to make sure ## everything is okay with collections and permissions if ($cp->isError()) { // if we've gotten an error getting information about this particular collection // than we load up the Content class, and get prepared to fire away switch($cp->getError()) { case COLLECTION_FORBIDDEN: $v = View::getInstance(); $v->setCollectionObject($c); $v->render('/page_forbidden'); break; } } ## If there's no error, then we build the collection, but first we load it with the appropriate ## version. We pass the function the collection object, as well as the collection permissions ## object, which the function will use to determine what version we get to see if ($cp->canWrite() || $cp->canReadVersions()) { $cvID = ($_REQUEST['cvID']) ? $_REQUEST['cvID'] : "RECENT"; } else { $cvID = "ACTIVE"; } if ($_REQUEST['ccm-disable-controls'] == true || intval($cvID) > 0) { $v = View::getInstance(); $v->disableEditing(); $v->disableLinks(); } $vp = $c->loadVersionObject($cvID); // returns the $vp object, which we then check if ($vp->isError()) { // if we've gotten an error getting information about this particular collection // than we load up the Content class, and get prepared to fire away switch($vp->getError()) { case VERSION_NOT_RECENT: // the collection is not the most recent version. We're not going to allow any writing to the collection $cp->disableWrite(); break; } } ## Any custom site-related process if (file_exists(DIR_BASE . '/config/site_process.php')) { require(DIR_BASE . '/config/site_process.php'); } ## Make sure that any submitted forms, etc... are handled correctly ## This is legacy cms specific stuff, like adding pages require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/startup/process.php'); ## Record the view if (STATISTICS_TRACK_PAGE_VIEWS == true) { $u->recordView($c); } ## now we display (provided we've gotten this far) $v = View::getInstance(); $v->render($c); } Thx, chris
Remo 0.png 26.01.2012 22:09
Hi Chris, ich versteh nicht wirklich was du uns mit dem Auszug aus dispatcher.php sagen willst, ich vermute aber eher dass dies ein Zugriffsproblem ist. 1. Ist die Seite öffentlich wenn du unter "Site Access" schaust? 2. Prüf ansonsten auch, ob die oberste Seite (Home) von "Guest" gesehen werden darf. In der Sitemap auf die Seite klicken und dort "Permissions" auswählen. Grüsse Remo
abra100pro 0.png 27.01.2012 09:23
Hallo Remo thx. Habe es gestern schon gefunden: Im dashboard waren auf einmal bei den Einst. die Berechtigungen auf admin umgestellt. Thx, chris

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